Basics: Core | Unit | Load | Data | View | MVVM | Example » Advanced | FAQs

Simple start

There are no dependencies, just reference one JavaScript file:

<script src="pro.all.min.js"></script><!--  <3 KB -->
<!-- Or -->
<script src="pro.all.js"></script>   <!-- <23 KB -->


The framework defines short aliases for popular DOM-methods:'element-id'); // Gets element by id
pro.class('class-name'); // Gets elements by class name
pro.tag('tag-name'); // Gets elements by tag name
document.on('some-event', fn); // Adds an event listener'some-event', fn); // Removes an event listener
let element = pro.element('div|span|a|...'); // Creates a new element of specified tag

element.proId('child-element-id'); // Gets child element by id
element.proClass('class-name'); // Gets child elements by class name
element.proSelector('css-selector'); // Gets child elements by specified selector
element.proTag('tag-name'); // Gets child elements by tag name'attribute', value); // Adds attribute with optional value, e.g.'hidden')
element.out('attribute'); //Removes attribute from element, e.g. element.out('hidden')'attribute'); // Checks that element has attribute
element.toClass('class-name'); // Adds css-class to element
element.outClass('class-name'); // Removes css-class from element
element.on('event', listener); // Adds an event listener'event', listener); // Removes an event listener
element.toChildFree(); // Removes all childs (makes an element child free)

pro.core | To top »

Provides sync event-based programming model with fluent on/once/no/out interface. Sync model means that when any component triggers some event, all it’s listeners are executed immediately.

Use pro.core constructor-function to create complex Pro-JS components:

var component = new pro.core();

/* Subscribe on event. If event was already triggered, listener is executed
immediately with last event object. To override this pass the third 'skipLast' argument as true. */ 
component.on('event', function (eventData /*, function callback() { 'I am optional'; } */) {
               console.log('Event was triggered: ' + eventData);
             }/*, true */);

// Triggers event. Optional the third callback can be executed after all listeners (* bug here *)
component.out('event', 23 /*, function () { console.log('Well done!'); } */);
//  Event was triggered: 23
//  Well done!

// The same as this short alias:
component.event(23 /*, function () { ... } */);

pro.unit | To top »

Introduces app-unit with states concept and own DI:

var app = new pro.Unit(); // Initializes a new application unit
app.unit('NewsStore') // Defines 'NewsStore' unit inside of the application
   .out(function () { // Initialization function. 'this' refers to the unit itself
     var me = this;

     this.on('load-news', function (eventModel) {
       var newsModel = retrieveNews(eventModel);
       me.out('news-loaded', newsModel); // Notify all listeners
       // Syntax sugar for the line above in case some listener exists
     // Or notify about smth else
     this.out('any-event', eventDataIsOptional);
app.unit('NewsList') // Defines 'NewsList' unit
  .on('NewsStore') // Optional list of unit dependencies
  .out(function (newsStore) {
    var me = this;
    me.state('no-news') // Defines state
        .to(function () { // Execute on entering into the state
           proId('blank-text').out('hidden'); // Removes 'hidden' attribute
        }) // Returns state object with 'out' method
        .out(function () { // Optinal, execute on leaving the state
           proId('blank-text').to('hidden'); // Adds 'hidden' attribute
        }) // Returns current unit object
        .to(function (news) { ... });
 'no-news'); // Go to initial state
    newsStore.on('news-loaded', function (newsList) {
       if (newsList && newsList.length > 0) {'news', newsList);
       } else {
         me.out('empty'); // Notify 'NewsList' unit subscribers that news list is empty

Define hierarchical states (separated with periods, e.g. ‘news.expanded’). See sources for more details.

In case you have to violate SOLID world, consider Service Locator sin:

// Somewhere you can not define unit with injected dependency
// and have access only to your application instance
app.on('auth-unit', function (authUnit) {'login');

pro.load | To top »

Subscribes on DOM-tree traversal and loads HTML content for elements with ‘pro-load’ tags:

<div pro-load="news-component.html"></div>

Content for the element above will be downloaded from the specified url. Nested ‘pro-load’-elements are supported, content for them is loaded immediately.

To handle situations with html missing, subscribe on pro.load 404 event:

pro.load.on(404, function (elementInfo) {
   // console.log(elementInfo.url + ' was not loaded');
   // elementInfo.element.innerHTML = 'Content is missing';

Subscribe on success loading event to manipulate with loaded markup:

pro.load.on(200, function (elementInfo) {
    // elementInfo.element
    // elementInfo.url

You can subscribe on any status code in a similar way.

In case your code unit depends on this markup, use pro.load object:

pro.load.on('news-component.html', function (newsContainerDiv) {
  // After markup loading and all pro.load.on(200, ...) listeners
     .out(function (newsStore) { ... });
}); | To top »

Introduces observable wrapper over JS-objects and arrays:

var sampleModel = { topic: 'Sample', text: 'Observable model' },
    news =; // Or define empty observable: ';'

news.topic.on(function (topic) {
    // On topic change
}); // See the line below which triggers this listener
news.topic('New topic');

news.on(function (model) {
    // On the whole news change
}); // See the line below which triggers this listener
// As well as the listener above, because topic is changed too
news({ topic: 'New article', text: 'Text' });

// Read current value:
var topic = news.topic(); // Evaluated into 'New article'
var value = news(); // Evaluated into an object: { topic: 'New article', text: 'Text' }

Observable arrays:

var modelArray = [model],
    newsList =;

newsList[0].topic.on(function (topic) {
    // On the 0-th element's topic change
}); // See the line below which triggers this listener
newsList[0].topic('Indexation as for ordinal array!');

newsList[0].on(function (article) {
    // On the first news change
}); // See the line below which triggers this listener
// As well as the listener above, because topic is changed too
newsList[0]({ topic: 'Whole article changed', text: 'Text' });

function onChange(list) {
    // On news list change
newsList.on(onChange); // See the line below which triggers this listener
// As well as two listeners above
newsList([]); // * Here I have a bug - only the last listener was executed

// Read current value:
var value = newsList(); // Evaluated into an empty array

Use no method to unsubscribe listener from data changed event;

Initial object is changed with observable as well.

pro.view | To top »

Introduces UI-view which can be binded to model. Sample with markup loaded via pro-load:

    <article pro-load="news-template.html" hidden></article>

news-template.html markup:

<h2 pro="text(topic)"></h2>
<p pro="text(content)"></p>

pro tag will be explained in the next section.

pro.load.once('news-template.html', function (view) {
  'use strict';
  // Define view named 'news-view''news-view')(function () {
      return view.cloneNode(true);
      // Or create new element
	  // Or get element by css-class / id 
    }) // It was markup-factory function
    .on(function (model) { // Executed on model binding

Now you can mention this view in two ways:

1) Imperative way via JS:

newsList.forEach(function (newsModel) {
    pro.view.out('news-view', newsModel, function (newsNode) {
        // Model-binded view node is passed

2) Declarative way via MVVM-pattern introduced in pro.mvvm.js-file below:

pro.mvvm | To top »

Implements Model-View-ViewModel pattern. ViewModel here is an observable object binded to HTML-element as following:

var model = {
        newsList: [],
        nextPageUrl: '/next',
        styles: { display: 'none' },
        placeholder: 'Your placeholder',
        modelValue: 'Default value'
    viewModel =;'news-container'), viewModel);

After that you need change only view model - markup is updated on the fly!

Here is how markup looks like:

<div id="news-container" pro="css(styles)">
    <input pro="place(placeholder); value(modelValue)" />
    <div pro="show(newsList.length === 0)">There are no news to read.</div>
    <div pro="each(newsList, view('news-view'))">
        <!-- Here will be inserted list of news view -->
    <div pro="hide(newsList.length === 0)">Happy reading!</div>
    <a pro="href(nextPageUrl)">Next</a>

pro-attributes in markup contain valid JS-expressions with predefined list of hacks: show, hide, each, view, text, html, href, value, css, place - for DOM-manipulation with element. Markup is reevaluated on every model change. Extension point for custom hacks will be added later.

viewModel.newsList([{ topic: '...', text: '...' }]);
// The html above will be immediately updated

Continue on advanced level

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